Adult classes
We offer classes for all stages of ukulele players

Have you just bought a ukulele and are finding it hard to learn on your own. Perhaps you’ve found YouTube tutorials are not quite working for you or you just want to join a group to play with other people and find your uke community. Age 18 up.

Follow on
These classes are for students that have completed beginner classes or have some experience and have a good foundation of chord repertoire and strum patterns. You already can play some songs; you have the fundamental basics of the ukulele, and you want to progress and further your playing skills or just want to pay in a group and find your uke community. Age 18 up.

One to one
Have something specific you'd like to work on? A song you'd like to learn for a special occasion? Or would just like to have a focused lesson to improve and learn?
We offer private lesson. To find out more or ask a question contact us here.
Half-Term Beginners Taster Classe
Adult Ukulele Beginner Taster
Day: Thursday
Time: 6.30pm - 8.30pm
Start date: 26th October 2023
End date: 26th October 2023
Age: 18 + yrs
Class size: 15 students
Cost: £25.00
Where: Mycenae House, Blackheath
This half- term taster class is for students that are complete beginners that would like to try out the ukulele before committing to a full term. In this class you will learn some simple popular songs to take away with easy chords and the tutor will introduce some basic ukulele rhythms. You will learn the correct way to hold and strum your ukulele. With some top tips top get you on your way, in a fun sing along environment. Uke Can Do it!! Ukuleles are not provided.
Available Term-Time Adult Classes
Beginners Class
Day: Thursday
Time: 6.30pm - 8.30pm
Start date: TBC Waiting List
End date: TBC
Class size: 15 students
Cost: (£150.00 , 6 weeks)
Where: Mycenae House, Blackheath
This class is for students that are complete beginners. In this class you will learn some simple popular songs with simple chords progressions and the 4 basic ukulele rhythms. You will learn the correct way to hold and strum your ukulele in a fun relaxed sing along environment. Come and uke in a group!! Ukuleles are not provided. Please get in touch to join the waiting list.
Follow on Intermediate
Day: Tuesday
Time: 6.00pm - 8.00pm
Start date: 9th April 2024
End date: 24th June 2024
Class size: 15 students
Cost: (£300, 12weeks)
Where: Mycenae House, Blackheath
This class is a continuing well established class for students that have completed our ukulele beginners or have experience and want to continue learning and practising their ukeing skills. Ukulele follow on is a great way to keep your practice up with a group of like minded people and a fun social sing along environment. Come and uke in a group!! Ukuleles are not provided.